Total government revenue drops 12.5% ​​in May


Total government revenue in the first five months of the year was 2 billion 92 957 million pesos, according to the Treasury's public finance report.

CITY OF MEXICO (Expansion) –

Mexico's public sector budget revenues fell by 12.5% ​​between January and May compared to the same period last year, the Ministry of Finance reported on Friday. Finance and Public Credit.

Total government revenue in the first five months of the year amounted to 2 trillion pesos 92 957 million pesos compared to 2 trillion 279 025 mpd reported in the same period in 2017, according to the May Public Finance Report

These figures include oil and non-oil revenues.

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Among the non-oil revenues, the tax revenues accumulated in May amounted to 1 billion 306,680 mdp, a growth of 0.7% per annum. in the previous report on public finances, it was indicated that the public sector budget revenue stood at 1 billion 715,500 million pesos in the amount accumulated in April 2018, a higher amount of 154 100 million pesos to those planned in the program

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