Toyota shows optimism in Guanajuato


Mexico City – If the US imposes tariffs on auto trade, those who will be affected will be US consumers, but they will not touch the factory Toyota builds in Mexico, said Guillermo Díaz, director of operations of the company in Mexico.

The new factory that the Japanese brand builds in Apaseo el Grande, Guajanuato, where it will manufacture the Tacoma pick-up, is under construction at 40% and will start to operate at the end of 2019.

"We all believe that the free -exchange is the main source of growth and well-being of all nations, we are facing a process, a somewhat complicated junction of our northern neighbor, but the reality is that we are waiting for what is defined. [19659002] "Hopefully these rates will not be implemented, the only thing that would cause is an increase in raw materials and the final product, offered primarily to the American consumer. We are very careful not to have a result that no one wants, "he said at a press conference.

With all the uncertainty that exists about any trade restrictions automotive analyzed by the White House, the company remains optimistic "In December 2019 is the commitment to leave the first factory of Tacoma Apaseo el Grande, there is no change in the plan, has still intend to manufacture there, "he said.

Tom Sullivan, president of Toyota in Mexico, said the first half of 2018 was good, since the best sales in its history have 52,000 vehicles moved, representing a growth of 1.2% Considering that the national market is in decline, with sales down 8.4 percent in the first six months compared to the same period last year, that the Japanese brand is successful growth is an admirable fact

"Mexico, given the fluctuations, is a big challenge. But we seek to have sustainable growth, pay attention to price, we compare the way the market evolves. We do not want to react, we want to be competitive and sell cars. "

To close this year, the intention is to sell 107,000 units, which would represent a slight increase over the 105,000 units displaced last year.

Although it does not Not the best-selling product of the Toyota lineup, the Prius Hybrid is one of the brand's stars because in the Mexican market, it is the best-selling green vehicle, with 5,000 units moved. [19659002] In view of this, the intention is to introduce a new hybrid model to the Mexican market before the end of the year.

In total, this brand has sold 945 thousand units since his arrival in the country and the next target, according to Sullivan, is to sell the number one unit.

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