Toyota would stop selling some models of cars in the United States. for Trump rates


Jim Lentz, Toyota's chief operating officer in North America, said the company is already in the analysis of possible scenarios

The Toyota company said Friday that & ### 39 it could stop importing some models of cars to the United States. to increase others, if the government of this country increases tariffs on cars.

This was announced by Jim Lentz, General Manager of Toyota Operations in North America, who assured that the company is already in the analysis of scenarios in case US President Donald Trump would impose the measure .

"If it ends up being 10 or 25%, almost on a series by series, we have to evaluate what we are going to do, in some series we can increase prices." In other series we can stop imports and consumers will have fewer options, "said Toyota's executive for Bloomberg, who said the idea is false that vehicle imports are endangering national security US.

With respect to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), Lentz explained that what is best for the auto industry is the tripartite agreement between Canada, the United States and Mexico, not bilateral agreements. Trump

Toyota has imported more than half of the 2.4 million vehicles that it sold on US territory in 2017.

With Bloomberg Information

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