Trade tensions disrupt markets


The US and Mexican markets lost Thursday after it became known that the European Union could retaliate if the US government enforces tariffs on block cars.

CITY OF MEXICO (Expansion) –

The main indexes of the New York Stock Exchange fell on Thursday after disappointing quarterly results and nervousness, as trade disputes could escalate due to fears that the stock market is in danger. European Union applies tariffs The Dow Jones lost 0.53% to 25,064 units, the Nasdaq technology lost 0.37% to 7,825 units and the S & P 500 lost 0.40% to 2,804 units.

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In Mexico, the Mexican Stock Exchange is aligned with most of the world's squares because of escalating trade tensions after the European Union said that retaliation could be carried out if Washington applies car rates from the regional block.

The price and quotation index (S & P / BMV CPI), which includes the 35 most liquid issuers of the place. , dropped from 0.52% to 48,747 units


The Brent global benchmark oil price fell by the return of fears of an increase in supply, after a brief bounce more early in the session after Saudi Arabia He said his exports will decline in August.

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West Texas Intermediate futures (WTI) for delivery in August they gained 1.02% to 69.46 dollars a barrel (dpb) while Brent North Sea for delivery in September dropped from 0.43% to 72.59 dpb.

Brent fell nearly 9% from last week's high Oil prices fell more than $ 79 a barrel due to increased production from Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia and other members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), as well as Russia and the United States. After the Saudi governor of OPEC, Adeeb Al-Aama, said the kingdom expects its crude exports to decrease by about 100,000 barrels per day (bpd) in August, limiting thus its surplus production.

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