Transition Resources and the Memorial of 19 September Will Be Reallocated to Victims


CITY OF MEXICO (apro) .- The Reconstruction Commission reallocated 14 million pesos to the 19S Memorial, to the Public Trust for the Reconstruction and Rehabilitation of Multifamily Homes and also formally requested the Legislative Assembly that the 30 million pesos for transitional work in the capital's government should also be included in the said trust.

Edgar Tungüí Rodríguez, Commissioner for Reconstruction, emphasized that "the reallocation of these 14 million pesos was made with the objective of giving priority to the reconstruction of the housing of the victims of the 19 September earthquake and added that the support that the government can provide "will be designed and granted in equity."

Regarding the fate of the memorial, Assistant Commissioner Manuel Perlo said that there is an agreement that once the consolidated project, it will be built with donations from companies and civil society, and not with funds from the Reconstruction Fund.

The Fund will have a fund of at least two billion pesos, of which there is already a first batch of 635 million 426 thousand 859 pesos, includes the reallocation of the commemorative resource

To these resources will be added the 30 million pesos allocated to the work of transition of the government of the capita

The Commission for Reconstruction stated that it had already asked the Legislative Assembly to allocate these resources to the Trust for Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of Housing.

He added that the approval of the redistribution of resources aims to provide the budget as much as possible. soon possible "to rebuild or rehabilitate homes damaged by the earthquake.

The capital administration, abundant, maintains support schemes in force and last Thursday 200 emerging loans were granted for the rehabilitation of property real estate and checks Delegations of Tlalpan, Iztapalapa, Xochimilco and Benito Juárez
Of this total, according to the commission, 174 corresponded to single-family houses and the rest to shares in apartments of 26 buildings [19659009] window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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