Transition Sandoval and Alfaro pactan & # 39; tersa & # 39; in Jalisco


  Transition of Sandoval and Alfaro pactan 'tersa in Jalisco

Enrique Alfaro, elected virtual governor of Jalisco (Photo: Cuartoscuro)


Casa Jalisco hosted the first meeting for to agree on the transition process between the current president, Aristóteles Sandoval, and the virtual winner of the state government, Enrique Alfaro Ramírez.

The meeting lasted 60 minutes. Both agreed to work for a transition "transparent, smooth and with the best conditions to perform delivery-receipt."

We will restore Jalisco: Enrique Alfaro

Movimiento Ciudadano won PRI the governorship of Jalisco in last Sunday's elections. Alfaro, in 2003, became the first mayor of the metropolitan opposition, winning the municipal presidency of Tlajomulco ; he will now become the first governor of Jalisco emanating from MC

Yesterday, Alfaro and Sandoval met in private to detail the delivery-reception. The Alfaro Campaign Coordination Group reported that " a cordial dialogue was established to lay the groundwork for the transition process, which the Chief Executive said with full openness to integrate the teams that will be in charge of the "

We, the governments, are a facilitator and we want the best for Jalisco We must be united Jalisco, respecting each other in free events and c & # "We want to continue to promote." Working until the last minute, "he told Excelsior previously, the governor Aristotle Sandoval, referring to the process of transition.

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