Transplants: a gift of life | NTR Zacatecas .com


ZACATECAS.- Despite the technological advance, many people die while waiting for an organ that allows them to continue a quality life. The reason, the lack of culture of donation of organs. In Zacatecas topped the list, kidney transplant and cornea.

According to the National Register of Transplants, there are 22 thousand 284 people waiting for an organ, of which 14 thousand 658 require a kidney, 7 thousand 178 one cornea, 370 liver, 52 heart and 14 the pancreas

At Zacatecas each hospital facility has its own waiting list, although all converge on the national list. According to the hospital institutions that have a registry, there are 17 people waiting for one kidney, 17 for a cornea, three for the liver and two for the bone marrow.

Despite the adversity, she seeks to go from the front

Don José Macías, Fresnillense, who emigrated to the United States in search of a better future, was fired after 13 years of hard work and had to return to his homeland.

He arrived in February He began to feel bad. When he went to the doctor he was diagnosed with polycystic kidneys, he is suffering from kidney failure

"I do not drink, I do not smoke, I eat well, but I have a bad genetics I did not do anything to deserve it.

He receives a treatment at night, it costs him about 12 thousand pesos a month, and when asked how he does it to pay him, he answers: "only with the will of God, a sister who help me and the people who they are with us. "

" I have my wife, my son, and this has been very difficult because they still do not equate it with me. " not, and it is there that I have the most important question: what will happen to my family?

There is no social security, it is went to Fresnillo General Hospital, the treatment that he uses is temporary, he must be transplanted.

He can not work because of his illness, no one is hiring, is an inventor, during his stay in the United States supported with the creation of some tools to simplify the work.

Now, develop a new project with the support of Zigzag, for the harvest of onions, a tool which will help producers in time, money and effort.

Reality Based on Numbers

Javier Flores Muro, Head of the State Transplant Center, informed that health facilities in the state that have a license for Extracting organs are: Fresnillo Regional Hospital, Zacatecas General Hospital (HGZ), Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) and Institute of Safety and Social Services of State Workers ( ISSSTE), in addition to some private hospitals.

While the HGZ is allowed to transplant corneas and kidney. In the case of the private environment, San Agustín Hospital also has permission for kidney extraction and transplantation.

A specific question as to why one only has a license to transplant these organs, says the doctor "because we do not need it." To the epidemiological overview of the treatment of a license for the liver or the heart, so we speak of third-level hospitals. "

Regarding the method of distribution of donations registered in the entity, Flores Muro said that their waiting list, which is registered at the National Transplant Center and once a donor emerges, that center is immediately informed, which is where it is decided who is transplanted.

In the civilian hospital carried out from November of last year to date 20 transplants of cornea, so there is a waiting list of 17 patients.

It should be noted that corneas can last up to seven days before using, while other organs such as: kidney, lung, heart, among others, have a maximum duration of six hours .

It states that in the case of a kidney transplant, the Zacatecas surgical team is incomplete Therefore, when it is decided to perform an operation of this nature, it is necessary that surgeons from Guanajuato come

If there is an economic capacity, it can be transplanted

He explains that it also has to do with the economic capacity of a patient, because the drugs used after the intervention are for life and the cost is very high.

He went on to say that, popular insurance at the federal level has not yet This type of drug is included in the basic chart.

Therefore, before performing the surgical procedure, it must be ensured that the patient can acquire said drugs that are called nanos immunosuppressants and that its function is to prevent the body from rejecting it. 39, organ transplanted.

Currently, in the HGZ there are 12 patients on the waiting list for the kidney and there are two ways to perform the operation, one is a related patient living, that is to say, a parent who gives one of his kidneys and that of cadaveric origin.

What is dialysis and hemodialysis?

Flores Muro explains that when an image of insufficiency occurs It is necessary to subject the patient to treatment by dialysis or hemodialysis.

Dialysis involves connecting a catheter in the abdominal area so that with a fluid and membranes in the abdomen, they fulfill the function of the kidneys and remove from the body substances that damage the body such as urea, creatinine and uric acid.

While hemodialysis involves connecting a catheter to a vascular access and connecting it to a machine that cleans the blood

The cost of one or the other treatment is supported by the patient, since the Seguro Popular does not cover it either; Hemodialysis costs about 800 pesos per session, while dialysis costs 600 pesos. If you do three weekly sessions are 2 thousand 400 pesos and a month would be 9 thousand 600 pesos

But how do you get the organs?

Flores Muro said that at the time that there is a patient in intensive care who is diagnosed brain death, this family is asked to give organs to the health system, because, although it is connected to a respirator, it is already a corpse, it can give life

He claimed that 90 percent of donations corpses are related to a type of crime, therefore, it must be given to the public prosecutor to make the donation.

The organs that can be subtracted in this way are: heart, liver and kidneys, while there are other tissues that can be removed when the patient dies and that is the skin , bones and corneas.

Difficult to have organ trafficking in Zacatecas

Flores Muro said that it is very difficult to do organ trafficking in Zacatecas, because it takes qualified medical personnel, in addition to a hospital, to carry it out.

"Organ trafficking as such does not exist; What we should be watching at one point is that there is no legal simulation, for example, if there is an unrelated living transplant (d & # 39; one friend to another) that is done through the intermediary of a notary, check that the donation is free. "

How much does a transplant cost?

A kidney transplant in the private sector costs between 300 and 500 thousand pesos, whereas if it's organs, as a heart or liver , the figure goes from one million to one million 500 thousand pesos

We gave them back to life

Mayela, mother of twins, explained their experience after having been transplanted for chronic renal insufficiency [19659002] "The emotional shock was very strong, but we could not sit down and cry, we had to draw strength to save them," he recalled.

After eight years of special treatment of children showed a da or more severe, then they started the histocompatibility tests and their father gave their kidney.

Histocompatibility refers to the similarity or immunological identity between the tissues of 39, a donor and the recipient of the gref Mayela

Mayela said that Javier was already 17 years old, and although his kidney works for 30% at the moment, he feels very good.

After 10 years of having operated on Javier, his brother started his problem worsened, so they did the tests again, but now, who gave the kidney was her, they got are also proven compatible.

How have transplants changed their lives? Mayela replied, "For me, it is a great joy to be doubly mother and give life to the same being twice, for without their kidney function they would have died."

He noted that for the government a kidney patient is a burden. five or six years when the patient can not work, but if the transplant is done, it brings life back to every human being.

Is the medicine expensive? "It's very expensive, they give it to us in the IMSS, but the tracolimus boxes cost around 10 thousand pesos and my kids need five boxes a month; another is mycophenolate, which costs about 5 thousand pesos and they hold two boxes a month, "he said.

In the case of his son who has his kidney working 30 percent, although the law does not not permit Doing a new operation before the organ is no longer deteriorated, Mayela said: "We are already studying the possibility of a second transplant, we are looking for donors at the moment."

"J & Have a project to promote the culture of giving I would like Zacatecas not only to talk about violence, bad things, I want a state where we are suppliers and recipients of organs ", has he says.

In Zacatecas we are only buyers of organs [19659002] José Antonio Luna Roldán, subdelegate medical of the ISSSTE, said that in Zacatecas they do not belong to any of them. do not have a unit to transplant, they are only the purchase of organs.

Zacatecas that require an operation of this nature are sent to the state. At the national level, the ISSSTE has a list of 1,500 patients waiting for one organ, while in Zacatecas, there are five due to kidney failure, two due to bone marrow, they are on the waiting list at the National Medical Center, in addition to three per liver.

When you have a donor, you must have the receiver ready on the basis of the national list and all are as you choose

He explained that when the organ comes from a cadaveric origin, another type of immunosuppressive drug is used to prevent rejection of the graft, and histocompatibility does not come in here.

A patient with kidney failure would spend one year between 250 thousand and 300 thousand pesos, but in the case of ISSSTE the basic table covers it. In the institution, there are currently 85 patients with this disease.

He argued that organ donation should be widely disseminated, that legislation should be revised and that many taboos and cultures should be overcome. and may be donors, but the family says no

Transplants are practiced in medical units of high specialization

Juan Carlos Ramos Escalante, director of the hospital IMSS, said that he had only permission to procure organs, not to transplant, they are carried out in areas of regional concentration of specialized medical units of high level (UMAES). Zacatecas goes to the UMAE 71 in Torreón, Coahuila

The waiting list is generated when the patient is studied, because someone who has another life-threatening illness , like cancer, loses the possibility of

The numbers are processed directly in the unit of Torreón, it is there that they are registered and served.

In the case of the IMSS, if there is a donation of organ, it is listed on a list first in the institutional line. If a candidate exists at this time, the patient is prepared and the organ is transported to the AMUS that is needed. If the IMSS does not require it, other services are advised to use it.

Treatment for renal failure costs between 1,000 and 1,500 pesos per session, in the case of hemodialysis, which is covered by a part. from the institute and dialysis around 600 pesos.

Unfortunately, the population that requires renal replacement therapy is increasing. Currently, 82 patients are diagnosed.

Every month, there is a mobility of 10 to 7 patients, that is, those who emigrate, those who arrive, those who die or are transplanted.

Ramos Escalante Diseases that require a regular transplant are complications due to lack of health education, sedentary lifestyle, junk food and do not go to the doctor.

With regard to organ trafficking, the doctor says that there must be, to be in a country in which there is traffic in many ways, but to do so, a operating room and a specialized team of doctors are busy "and in Zacatecas we do not have it."

He was reborn

14 years of his transplant, June 8, was of cadaveric origin and only had a year and a half on the waiting list in Torreón, because there are patients, he says, that last up to five years to receive an organ. They even die while waiting

Their problem is genetic, polycystic kidney, that is, the organ is formed by small liquid balloons and these grow, taking away the operation.

they are medical studies every three months in the UMAE 71, regarding the blood group, the diseases, the general levels because at any moment the transplant can happen and you must be ready to receive it .

not to reject the organ, when it appears a compatibility of 60 or 70 percent is when it is decided to operate.

He recalled that when they operated on the waiting list in front of them were about 400 people, but for compatibility they decided to intervene.

She said that when they diagnosed her, thanks to the support group of the IMSS, to which psychologists, nutritionists and other specialists participated, she went on attached to the diet, doing cicio exercise and this prevented dialysis. "You do not have to park in the duel in the Why me? Why me? Then comes the acceptance and should be as soon as possible to learn how to live with it."

"J & # I turned 14 years of my transplant and I feel very good, that's why we have to support the little people they are in the same state, so that they move forward and do not let themselves be defeated. "

He hopes not to stay on the road

Juan, 54, suffers from chronic renal failure, was caused by poor eating habits, sedentary lifestyle and consumption excessive alcoholic beverages, it is also on the waiting list for a kidney.

He said that for 12 years he was diagnosed with kidney failure, but was in 2016, when hemodialysis was needed.

He recalled that he suffered from an emergency that forced him to go to a private doctor who managed to control the seizure by hemodialysis when he went to the hospital. IMSS they did not accept it under the retexto that offers only dialysis

This involves a disbursement of 1600 pesos for two treatments received a week, a cost very difficult to cover.

The thinking that this experiment leaves is "until things happen to you when you regret having done it, I could have avoided it, but it does not happen there. has no turning back. "

Juan, is another patient who is waiting for a kidney transplant with the I hope to get there because there are those who stayed on the road.

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