Travels in France and Honduras, the experience of Ebrard to assume the SRE: Castañeda


Jorge Castañeda former campaign coordinator of Ricardo Anaya, assures that the only experience with Marcelo Ebrard to assume the post of head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE) is his trip to France and in Honduras.

"Ebrard's possible preparation at the head of the SRE is global, and when he travels to France and Honduras, he will serve him more than 40 days as Deputy Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs ", said Castañeda Thursday. radio program with Joaquín López-Dóriga.
After Andrés Manuel López Obrador Mexico's virtual elected president, announced Thursday that Marcelo Ebrard will be at the head of the secretariat, Castañeda explained that the new Chancellor does not have the same. necessary experience.

The campaign exile of the presidential candidate of the coalition "Por México al Frente" stressed that perhaps the only experience with the account of Marcelo Ebrard is when he was under-secretary of the SRE

from 1993 to 1994, when Manuel Camacho Solís was Minister of Foreign Affairs, but it was less than a year ago, "he explained.

On the other hand, Castañeda said that Ricardo Anaya, during the electoral process, could not fight the virtual presidential winner because of the "circumstances that surrounded him".

He also explained that the victory of López Obrador can only be explained by a monopoly of change but that it is "the stallion" with which the morenista will be evaluated by the Mexicans who elected him. 19659008] [ad_2]
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