Treatment of hyperactivity – El Diario de Yucatán


Call for Diagnosis in Early Childhood

To provide a better quality of life to children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) provides medical and psychological treatment with the goal that they have adequate academic performance and succeed in developing a healthy relationship with their parents, family and classmates.

According to one statement, making a diagnosis in the early years of infant life allows specialists to intervene in a timely manner and avoid spending months and even years with the different symptoms that children have with this disorder.

These are impulsive, reckless, accident prone and without discipline to accept the rules at home and at school, problems that can continue during adolescence and adult life .

Dr. Leticia Flores Pérez Pasten, a psychiatrist attached to the Coordina The IMSS second level comprehensive care program reported that out of 100 children of school age on average, four suffer from this disorder, which is more common among boys only girls, in a ratio of six boys to a girl.

explained that the diagnosis is made when the child or adolescent presents in a period of six months or more at least six symptoms of lack of attention, such as:

Problems to maintain attention in recreational activities, do not listen when they talk, do not follow instructions, do not finish activities, often lose things, get up when they are supposed to sit and do not can not participate quietly in activities.

In 2017, he says, 6,650 consultations were granted first time for the treatment of attention deficit disorder and almost 9,590 for the follow-up of minors.

Dr. Pérez Pasten said that once diagnosed or, the child with the disorder receives full and personalized attention, which aims to control the symptoms that are associated with poor behavior because there is no treatment as such.

Medication, psychoeducation, behavioral modification, and counseling are required. The teacher called parents who think their son is "restless" to consider these symptoms because they may be suffering from this disorder and need to go to the doctor to receive treatment. according to your needs.

At a glance


The doctor claimed that drugs provided by the IMSS do not cause addiction or drowsiness in minors, they are controlled substances which are indicated as early as six years of age and which act the neurochemical system helps the production of dopamine and norepinephrine which promotes brain maturation and better control of symptoms of inattention.

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