Treatments and techniques to eliminate double chin


Double chin is one of the aesthetic "problems" that most people care about.

The double chin is formed as a result of the accumulation of fat cells under the chin.

Depending on the amount of accumulated fat, it may be more or less obvious to be able to occupy, in its most extreme cases, a significant part of the neck.

It can also occur when the skin of the neck loses its tone and falls due to aging.

Keep in mind that the skin under the chin and in the neck ages faster than in other regions because it contains little collagen and elastin, two of the fundamental proteins that skin needs to keep. smooth

Photo: Web.

How to correct the double chin?
The double chin can be treated both surgically and by noninvasive injectable treatments.

Stretching or neck lifting
The stretching of the neck can only be performed surgically.

This procedure tightens the muscles of the skin and neck, eliminating excess skin and removing wrinkles.

If there is an excessive amount of fat in the chin, a liposuction will be performed in the area to be treated (liposculpture of the neck).

The surgery does not exceed the time of the duration. The surgeon makes a small incision under the chin and two incisions behind the ear and towards the nape of the neck, to stretch the skin and reposition the muscles thus allowing "to stretch the neck".
The scars are hidden and imperceptible.

After the intervention, the patient should use a full headband for two weeks and it is advisable not to lie at all during the same time.

Photo: Web.

Liposculpture of the neck
If the patient has an excess of adipose tissue, but does not have excess skin in the neck, you can choose to perform a liposculpture in the area.

During liposculpture of the neck, the excess fat is removed using a cannula (narrow tube connected to a vacuum) inserted into the chin by a small incision made in the area to be treated (usually the fold under the chin).

Liposuction, as we have already said, is not a good tool for firming the skin; In addition, the removal of large amounts of adipose tissue can leave the skin more flaccid.

Photo: Web.

Elimination of the throat without surgery
Belkyra is a totally revolutionary injectable treatment that permanently destroys sub-mental fat, reduces flaccidity, retracts and redefines the mandibular line.

Belkyra contains a synthetic version of deoxycholic acid which, when injected into subcutaneous fat, dissolves fat cells.

It is a treatment designed to destroy fat cells, but does not allow the removal of loose skin.

With information: we

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