Tromba assigns 42 colonies to Morelia


Morelia.- A total of 42 settlements were affected by the storm that struck the capital. State and municipal authorities have therefore asked the Federation to declare emergencies and constitute a disaster area. At the session of the Emergency Committee, composed of the authorities of the three levels of government, it was reported that the number of affected colonies was 42 in 27 different regions of Morelia.

Due to the eventuality, the census of the number of families affected is not yet available, but it has been confirmed that there would have been no loss of life or injuries, although some damage has been reported. caused to homes and cars.
morelia_1.jpeg "src =" "style =" width: 441px; height: 294px; "/><br /><em>Photo: Courtesy</em> </p>
<p>The authorities have declared themselves on permanent alert, as it is expected that Hurricane Willa will generate more rain, which will complicate the deazolization and allow high levels of water in the drains and yards. water. Also in Morelia, 15 schools were flooded, of which at least seven were damaged, affecting about 5,600 students, according to the State Secretariat for Education.</p>
<p>The aid corps and elements of the Michoacan police continue the roads across the capital's roads and the National Defense Secretariat (Sedena) has implemented the DN-III-E plan in the affected areas of the city. the city of Morelia.<br /><img alt=Photo: Courtesy

Due to the softening of the land and the poor state of the rains, a Kansas City Southern freight train derailed on the Morelia-Charo section without causing any injuries. Police reports and aid agencies indicated that 10 cars of the machine had derailed, while the transnational company did not reveal the amount of damage.

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