Tromba leaves assignments in 14 settlements, 50 houses and 29 cars in Michoacán; implement the DN-III plan


MORELIA, Mich. (apro) .- After the intense rains recorded in the early morning, the authorities implemented plan DN-III; Nearly 300 elements of civil protection are ready to climb the Cerro del Quinceo, one of the most affected areas.

The authorities also reported that two miners who had been reported missing in the area were in optimal health conditions. Colonia Presa de los Reyes in Morelia, Michoacán

Carlos Gómez Arrieta, Under Secretary for Public Security of Michoacán, explained in an interview with media that they have so far added 500 items of state supporting different tasks in settlements.

Tromba hit 14 settlements and left assignments in at least 50 houses, as well as 29 cars being dragged, according to the official part issued by the State Coordination of Civil Protection.

According to the cut of 13:00 and after the actions carried out by state and municipal rescue agencies, there are assignments in at least 14 settlements in the northern area of ​​the city, especially in this those located in the foothills of Cerro del Quinceo, opposite the Morelos stadium.

The elements of civil protection, with the municipality, Michoacán police and state and municipal firefighters, provided assistance to residents of these areas early in the morning, all in the case of at least 50 houses, the water inlet was between 20 and 50 centimeters.

Similarly, towing services were provided to various vehicles, representing 29 units stranded or damaged by falling water. accompanied by rocks in the colonies near the Quincea, especially in Colonia Gertrudis Sánchez.

The Fernando Chávez auditorium was also set up in the Mariano Escobedo district as a temporary refuge so that the affected population is protected; temporary shelters have also been set up, such as the one located on Nery Street.

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