Tropical Storm Beryl approaches the Eastern Caribbean


San Juan- Tropical storm Beryl was moving rapidly westward in the early hours of Sunday to the Lesser Antilles in the eastern Caribbean Sea.

Although what was to be the first hurricane of the season in the Atlantic Ocean was losing steam, the inhabitants of the meteor-beaten islands collected food and water. Last year and prepared for the possible arrival of strong winds, rains and waves. Dominica was alerted to a tropical storm and the authorities issued a similar warning for the French West Indies – Martinique, St. Martin and St. Barthelemy – besides St. Martin, Barbados, St. Lucia, Saba and St. Eustache. Puerto Rico, which was devastated by Hurricane Maria in September, was still in a state of emergency.

In Dominica, who was also on the way to Maria, the local meteorological service said earlier that bad weather could further deteriorate on Saturday. at night and that rain could leave at least 10 centimeters (4 inches) of water before the eye of the storm passed over or near the island Sunday night.

The Prime Minister of Dominica, Roosevelt Skerrit urged the population to remain vigilant despite the weakening of the meteor and recommended that locals stock the water because the government could close the hydraulic system as a measure protection. "You should not let your guard down," he said.

Beryl had sustained maximum winds of 75 kilometers per hour (45 miles per hour) early Sunday, according to the National Hurricane Center in the United States. Its whirlpool was located about 380 kilometers (240 miles) east-southeast of Barbados and was moving west at 31 km / h (20 mph).

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