Tropical Storm Beryl Forms in the Atlantic


UNITED STATES.- A tropical depression formed in the Atlantic became tropical storm Beryl this Thursday, the second of this season, which is currently located at the # 39, east-southeast of Lesser Antilles, reported the National Hurricane Center of the United States

Beryl has sustained maximum winds of 65 kilometers per hour, and is moving rapidly westward with a speed 26 miles per hour, Miami-based NHC reported, reports Telemundo

At present no warning or warning has been issued for coastal areas [19659002] You might also be interested in: Storm & # 39; Fabio & # 39 ;, with a strong front to the shores of Jalisco

The experts predict that the storm will degrade into a storm at l. approach This weekend in the Lesser Antilles

Although the hurricane season officially begins on June 1, this year, a subtropical storm, Alberto, was formed at the end of May.

The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) predicted last May that the hurricane season in the Atlantic will have "near" or "above average" activity, with between 5 and 9 hurricanes, of which one and four can be of superior category.

The US Agency's forecast for the season in the Atlantic Basin, which affects the United States, the Caribbean and Mexico for six months, also indicate the formation of 10 to 16 tropical storms.

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