Trudeau responds to alleged harassment of journalist


OTTAWA, Canada.- The Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, responded for the first time to the accusations made a few days ago, in which he was accused of having harassed a journalist 18 years ago at a music festival in Creston, British Columbia

According to information from the PA, the accusation sparked the controversy in the country and dominated the political debate in recent days, after the past In June, a blogger has brought the problem to light

Trudeau told reporters that they had questioned him about the "I remember that day in Creston. I had a good day, I do not remember any negative behavior. "

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" … I do not remember any behavior

On the day of the alleged events, Trudeau was a 28-year-old teacher who attended the music festival sponsored by a British Columbia beer brand. The festival raised funds to support avalanche safety, a cause in which the current prime minister had become involved after his brother Michel died precisely by an avalanche in 1998.

Days after the Event, the Creston Valley Advance, a local newspaper, published an unsigned article in which she was accused of harassing a journalist who was covering the event. The article did not go into detail but claimed that the journalist had felt that she was "disrespectful" and that Trudeau would have responded by saying, "If I had known you were working for a national newspaper it would never have been so direct .

For his part, Brian Bell, the editor of the newspaper, told The Guardian newspaper that he believed in the journalist's story and added that he did not remember that "The journalist was traumatized or upset by what had happened … Any contact or anything that would have happened at that time was not welcome and certainly, it was Was inappropriate. "

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