Trudeau says Canadian Intelligence Service listened to Khashoggi recordings


Paris.- Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau acknowledged Monday that his country had received the recordings of the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, the first to have done so.

"Canada has received full information from Turkey," Trudeau told the Canadian Embassy in Paris., where he participates in the Peace Forum after the commemoration of the centenary of the end of the First World War, AFP said.

On Saturday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said he had handed out copies of the recordings "to Saudi Arabia, to the United States, to the Germans, to the French, to the British, to everyone."

The Canadian Prime Minister is the first to officially confirm that his country's intelligence service had listened to audio.

Trudeau stated that he had not listened to them and that he would not disclose the details of the content of the recordings.

Trudeau thanked Erdogan for "his strength to react to Khashoggi's situation" on the sidelines of the ceremonies that took place in Paris this weekend.

The French version was somewhat different.

Questioned Monday by French television 2, the French Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jean-Yves Le Drian, said that Turkey "to my knowledge" had not given any information to his government.

"If the Turkish president has information to give us, he should give it to us," said Le Drian. "It means that he has a political gesture in this situation," added Le Drian, referring to Erdogan.

CIA Director Gina Haspel, who went to Turkey last month to receive information on the investigation, heard audio recordings of the murder, according to reported information.

The existence of records has been filtered to the media, but this has only been confirmed publicly as of last week.

Turkey claims that Khashoggi, who criticized Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, was strangled and dismembered at the consulate, a fact referred to as premeditated murder.

Press reports suggest that the body was dissolved by chemical means.

Saudi Arabia insisted for weeks after the disappearance for Khashoggi to leave the consulate. Then he changed his version to say that he had died in a fight.

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