Trump accepts the resignation of Scott Pruitt | L & # 39; economist


The President of the United States, Donald Trump announced Thursday the departure of his cabinet from Scott Pruitt the head of the federal agency for the protection of the 39, environment involved in many scandals related to his lifestyle and the use of public funds

"I accepted the resignation of Scott Pruitt from his position as director of the 39; Environmental Protection Agency "(EPA for its acronym)," Trump said in a tweet, after months of speculation about the fate of the official. " Within the Agency, Scott has done a great job and I will always be grateful for that, "added the president on Pruitt, which abolished all environmental regulations that could and which were one of the more fervent supporters of the withdrawal of the United States from the Paris Agreement.

Without specifying the reasons for Pruitt's departure, Trump said that the current number two of the EPA, the ex-leader of The Andrew Wheeler industry will assume Monday interim agency head .

"I have no doubt that Andy will pursue our grand and lasting agenda at the EPA," he tweeted. President. "We have made tremendous progress and the future of the EPA is very promising!", He added.

Pruitt, 50 years old and recognized for having close ties with the oil industry, has been the subject of multiple investigations in recent months including the Inspector General of the same EPA, as well as two other federal agencies and Congress.

The charges against Pruitt are numerous, but they have a common denominator: since taking office in February 2017, Pruitt, Oklahoma's former Attorney General, appears to have used his position to benefit and foster his family violating various federal laws and punishing subordinates who opposed his conduct or failed to show the loyalty that he expected of them

It all started with the travel expenses excessive first class or rented aircraft at taxpayer expense, contrary to the rules. Then he discovered the large number of bodyguards at his service 24 hours a day, even abroad, for a cost that doubled the one his predecessors intended for this purpose.

Pruitt also had a telephone booth in his office It cost $ 43,000 which is described as excessive.

In his personal expenses, he was more conservative: he rented a department linked to pressure groups of the oil industry in an expensive district of the capital for only 50 dollars by night a sum that only paid for the nights he actually slept there.

He also ordered staff members to do personal things, such as finding another apartment, getting tickets for sports events, and trying to help his wife find a job.

Up to here, Trump had supported Pruitt, an enthusiastic lieutenant who was firmly defending his decision. He abandoned the Paris climate agreement, praising his work to repel the environmental regulations of the Obama era which, according to the president, hinder economic growth.

But the tone seemed to have changed in recent weeks. Last month, while praising Pruitt's "fantastic job" at the EPA, the president admitted, "I'm not happy with some things, I'll be honest."

Tuesday, spokesperson from the White House Hogan Gidley stated that the growing ethical issues facing Pruitt are "problematic" and that "these things matter to the president and he studies them".

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