Trump agrees that Saudi Arabia will increase crude output


  Trump admits that Saudi Arabia will increase oil production

Trump said the measure will help contain oil prices and so offset "troubles and malfunctions in Iran and Venezuela."


The King of Saudi Arabia, Salman bin Abdelaziz confirmed today that he committed to increase Crude oil production to Petition of President of the United States, Donald Trump .

The two presidents maintained a telephone conversation in which the Saudi monarch declared the commitment of producing countries to "make " efforts to compensate " any potential supply deficit "reported the Saudi official SPA agency

Similarly, Trump and King Salman also expressed their support for maintaining the "stability" of the oil markets and the "growth of the world economy", the note adds.

Trump said on Twitter that he asked the Saudi monarch to increase crude output to 2 million barrels to contain oil prices and compensate for "the turmoil and malfunctions in Iran and the United States. Venezuela."

I ask Saudi Arabia to increase its oil production, perhaps up to 2,000,000, "he wrote on Twitter

Prices are too high! He accepted! "Trump added with reference to the Saudi king.

The value of a barrel, which had fallen to less than $ 30 in January 2016, now stands around $ 75, a level that has not been seen since 2014. [19659010LastweekTrumpurgedmembersoftheOrganizationofPetroleumExportingCountries(OPEC)to"substantially"increasecrudeoilproductiontokeeppriceslow

The Allies decided on June 22 to To increase their crude output by one million barrels per day (mbd), an amount that in the medium term could remain around 600,000 barrels, to contain the prices that are at their highest level ever since. 2014.

It is unclear whether the increase to which, according to Trump, Saudi Arabia has agreed is in addition to that agreed with OPEC, although according to this Bloomberg agency , the state-owned Saudi Aramco oil company plans to increase its July production by about 1 0.8 million barrels a day due to pressure from the United States.

The US government has threatened sanctions against any companies in the world that continue to do business with Iran as of November 5, which includes the purchase of oil

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