Trump and Poroshenko meet on the eve of the summit with Putin


  Trump and Poroshenko meet on the eve of the summit with Putin

Poroshenko revealed that he also discussed with the US President of the North Stream II pipeline project


The President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko met on Thursday Brussels with his colleague from the United States, Donald Trump with whom he spoke of the meeting he will hold with the Russian leader, Vladimir Putin, on July 16 in Helsinki

We speak very carefully about the summit that President Trump will hold in Helsinki on Monday, July 16, "said Poroshenko at the press in Brussels, where he participates as a guest at the summit of NATO leaders

In remarks reproduced by the Ukrainian media, Poroshenko revealed that he had also been dealing with the US president of the pipeline project Nord Stream II criticized by Trump

Some things we are talking about, of course, I can not count them, "said the Ukrainian leader, who called the conversation" d & rsquo; Absolutely straightforward ".

Trump arrives in Brussels to participate in the NATO summit

In this regard, was "very satisfied" with the meeting and declared that there was a "need" absolute "to retain this nomination before the Helsinki summit

The meeting between the two most powerful leaders Putin and Trump have so far been seen only informally at international meetings, last seen in November at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum (1945- 1945) APEC Summit in Vietnam

It is expected that at its first bilateral summit, Putin and Trump talk about Syria, Ukraine, arms control and Russia's presumed interference in the 2016 US elections, among other topics of prior interest



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