Trump and Putin, July 16 in Helsinki


Moscow. Russian President Vladimir Putin and his American counterpart Donald Trump will meet in Helsinki on July 16, reported the Kremlin and the White House.

The synchronized announcement was released the day after Trump National Security Advisor John Bolton. , met with Russian officials in Moscow to lay the groundwork for the summit.

Trump said on Wednesday that "to hear with Russia and China and everyone is a very good thing.It is good for the world, it's good for us, c & rsquo; Is good for everyone. "He said that they would talk about Syria, Ukraine and" many other issues ".

The two presidents had brief meetings on the sidelines of the international summits last year, but plans for a summit between the two were postponed. alleged complicity in the Trump campaign with the Russian government in the 2016 elections, which eventually won Trump.

Before the announcement, Trump repeated his argument that Russia denies the charges, tweeting: "Russia continues to assure this has nothing to do with the interference in our elections!"

Trump repeatedly reiterated the Kremlin's arguments on the issue, which contradicts the findings of US intelligence agencies and almost all legislators in the United States. Congresses, both Democrats and Republicans

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said that Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov will meet the United States River State secret, Mike Pompeo, in the next two weeks to prepare the summit.

Ryabkov said that Moscow has submitted a proposal with the details of the meeting, an American response is expected.

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