Trump and the New York Times editor discuss on Twitter


United States President Donald Trump and New York Times Editor-in-Chief A.G. Sulzberger exchanged assertions and denials with the White House's usual attacks on the press as a backdrop.

The president was the one who opened the ban this morning by revealing a private meeting that he had with the journalist days ago. "I had a very good and interesting meeting at the White House with AG Sulzberger (…) We spent a lot of time talking about the large amount of fake news that is reported in the media and the how the factual media have become what has been called "the enemy of the people." Sad! "Trump Trump on Twitter.

It should be noted that even before assuming the presidency, the President has characterized himself by criticizing Publicly the communication companies who do not dance the water and even often used social networks to attack By his message, the billionaire seemed however willing to assume the role of spokesman of the editor of one of the most critical newspapers of his administration and suggest that Sulzberger was in agreement with him. his view that some communications companies would divulge false stories for the sole purpose of harming him.

The publisher's response however, was not made And a few hours later he issued a statement in which he contributed his version of this meeting which, as revealed, took place on July 20

"I said directly to the president that he thought his tongue was not only but he is also more and more dangerous said Mr Sulzberger in his note, adding that he had warned Mr Trump that his "inflammatory" speech was causing an increase in the threats to journalists. violent acts

NYT Editor-in-Chief: Trump's attacks on the press are "dangerous"

Moreover, the editor did not hesitate to deny the statement of the President stated that it is others who have started to qualify the press as "the enemy of the people" because it is he, he said, who invented this expression at the beginning of his term

. using his favorite social network to respond to Sulzberger

"When the media, motivated by their Trump syndrome, unveil internal deliberations of our government, they certainly endanger the lives of many, not just journalists. said at the beginning of a thread of three messages that clearly showed his anger that the reporter had confronted him.

"I will not allow that He was sold to our big country to the anti-Trump of the moribund press industry, "he promised, just before appointing the New York Times and the Washington Post as two clear examples of this press that only attacks it, without ever taking into account its achievements

It does not seem accidental that Trump tweeted precisely his first message, conciliatory, since this week the White House has faces many criticisms for his decision to deny access to a press conference to an accredited CNN journalist who, minutes before, had posed a series of unpleasant questions to the president in the Oval Office.

NYT: Trump is desperate to make up for the failure of the m ur

[19659002] This decision led to the Asoc White House correspondents' attempt to "vehemently condemn" the measure and even Fox News, the main bulwark of Trump's policies, added to the criticism and expressed his "solidarity" with CNN.

With information from EFE


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