Trump announces sanctions against Iran in preview


Donald Trump, president of the United States, announces sanctions on Iran on his Twitter account with a chart, as if it 's the first of a movie. The picture shows the president with the caption "The sanctions are coming." Nov. 5 ".

Trump announces sanctions on Iran as if it was a film premiere
Trump announces sanctions against Iran as it was a premiere at the cinema (Twitter @realDonaldTrump)

On Monday, November 5 at 00:01 local time (05:01 GMT), the US executive will impose a new round of sanctions on Iran, which will include the sale of oil, a ban on financial transactions with its central bank and restrictions on the Iranian port sector

These sanctions were lifted after the signing of the nuclear agreement signed in July 2015 by Iran and G5 + 1, composed of Russia, China, the United Kingdom, France, Germany and the United States. and which Washington withdrew last May.

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On Friday, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced that Washington would exempt eight countries or groups of states from sanctions it would impose on Iran on the 5th of next week.
November and seeking in particular to reduce to zero the oil revenues derived from Tehran.

We will exempt certain jurisdictions (territories or countries) but only because we have witnessed efforts and we are reducing their imports of oil from Iran, "said this official at a news conference. press conference held this Friday.

Pompeo did not specify which countries or groups of states will be exempted, but indicated that an agreement had already been reached with six of these territorial "jurisdictions", while with two others "negotiations are continuing".

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In September, the representatives of the European Union (EU) and the five powers that continue to support the nuclear pact – Russia, China, France, the United Kingdom and Germany – agreed to create a special entity to facilitate trade relations with Iran and avoid penalties. .

In this regard, US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, who also participated in the appeal, said that he did not think that "significant transactions" would occur through the said entity, but warned that in the event that Washington "will pursue harshly all the benefits" obtained.

In September, Donald Trump He had already threatened Iran with sanctions "stronger than ever".

"In November, our reimposition of sanctions will be fully implemented and then we will impose more sanctions that will be stronger than ever to deal with all the malign activities of Iran"In the Middle East and beyond," Trump said at a United Nations Security Council session.

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"Anyone or entity that does not comply (in accordance with the provisions of these sanctions) will face serious consequences," he warned.

The United States announced in May their withdrawal from the 2015 nuclear pact with Iran alongside France, the United Kingdom, China, Russia and Germany. In August, they again imposed in August some of the sanctions that he had frozen on the basis of this pact. .

With information from EFE and Noticieros Televisa


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