Trump: Conversations with North Korea "go well"


The President of the United States, Donald Trump assured Tuesday that the talks with North Korea "are going well", three days before his secretary of the United States. State does not go Pyongyang to discuss denuclearization

"Many good discussions with North Korea are going well!" During this time, there was no rocket launch or nuclear tests in 8 months. The opposition party, which includes false news, is complaining, "the president wrote on Twitter

If it was not for me, we would now be at war with North Korea.

Trump held a historic summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un on June 12. in Singapore, during which they discussed the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula . But a timetable and concrete modalities for the dismantling of the North Korean nuclear arsenal are still pending

State Secretary Mike Pompeo will visit North Korea from July 5 to 7 to continue the dialogue on these issues.

] Photo: AFP

In recent days, the American press – according to several unnamed sources – has reported that the intelligence services have information that North Korea was trying to hide part of its arsenal ]

Backed by satellite imagery, a surveillance group last month conducted operations and infrastructure work at the North Korean nuclear power plant in Yongbyon

Sarah Sanders, White House spokeswoman on Monday to confirm these revelations. "I think some things have happened: First, we have not seen any missile launch in the last eight months," he said.

We have not seen any nuclear explosions. And, again, these conversations can continue to evolve, said the spokesman.

Photo: AFP

A Monday Axios report suggested that if the talks were going well, Trump could invite Kim to New York in September

The US State Department confirmed that Pompeo had been servicing by phone with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov

Heather Nauert, spokesman for the state department, reported that Pompeo's next visit to North Korea was addressed in this conversation, as well as the war in Syria and preparations for the next summit between Trump and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin

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