Trump declared that he will seek reelection in 2020


US President Donald Trump has stated that he intends to be re-elected in 2020 because "everyone wants him to do it" and there is no Democratic candidates who can beat him, according to the British newspaper Sunday .

Questioned by Piers Morgan in an interview in the United Kingdom on Friday about his intention to run for another term, Trump said, "Well, I do intend to do it. , "according to the newspaper.

The Republican President said that he did not foresee that a democratic rival could defeat him at the polls

"I do not see anyone, I know everyone and I do not see anyone."

Before leaving the UK for a summit in Finland with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Trump broke the protocol involving visits with British royalty giving details of the conversation he had with the Queen Elizabeth of England. he panics about the difficulties of Brexit.

When asked when he had discussed Brexit with the monarch when they gathered for tea Friday at Windsor Castle, Trump said, "Yes. She said that it was a very very complex problem, and she is right. I do not think anyone knew how complex it would be (…) Everyone thought it would be like saying "oh it's simple, we stay or not, let's see what happens" "

Referring to the 92-year-old Queen, Trump told the newspaper: "This is an amazing woman. She is so bright, so beautiful, when I say beautiful, I speak from the inside and from the outside. This is a beautiful woman. "

During his tumultuous journey across Europe, Trump gave lectures to members of the NATO military alliance, scolded Germany for its dependence on the 39 Russian energy and hit the UK by publicly criticizing the strategy of Prime Minister Theresa May accepts the Brexit

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