Washington– The government of President Donald Trump said yesterday that he would deny asylum to migrants who enter the country without papers, using an extraordinary presidential faculty to strengthen the border while the caravans of the country. Central America are slowly approaching the southern border of the country.
The purpose of the regulation is to speed up the notice in asylum applications, instead of migrants trying to avoid official border crossings of nearly 3,000 km.
But busy border crossings have long lines and queues in advance, forcing immigration officials to ask claimants to come back later to submit claims.
Jura Donald who will prevent the entrance of the caravan
The measure was partly motivated by caravans from Central America heading to the border, but it will be applied to anyone intercepted during a passage without legal authorization, officials said.
It is unclear whether those who make up the caravans, many of whom flee violence in their country, intend to cross irregularly. Now they are about 965 kilometers away. Trump promised to prevent them from entering the country.
The new rules will be incorporated into a presidential proclamation to be published today, in which Trump will use the same powers he used to impose a restriction on the admission of citizens of certain countries that had been ratified by the Court. supreme, according to the statement. Senior officials who spoke with The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because they were not allowed to discuss the problem in public. The regulations would circumvent laws that state that anyone is eligible for asylum, regardless of how they entered the country.
Federal government officials claimed that people who had been denied asylum under the proclamation could be eligible for similar protection if they feared to return to their country, even though they would be subject to a stricter procedure.
These forms of protection include the "postponement of expulsion" – which is similar to asylum, but does not grant permanent residence to immigrants or the entry of their families – or the Asylum under the UN Convention against Torture.
This announcement was the most recent attempt to impose Trump's uncompromising stance on immigration through a change in regulations and decrees, measures that avoided congressional approval. But these attempts have mostly been countered by legal problems and, in the case of family separation this year, global repudiation has resulted in Trump's retreat.
It is almost certain that the new rules will also face legal challenges. (Associated Press)
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