Trump described the WTO as a "disaster"


UNITED STATES – The President of United States Donald Trump denied Friday that he intended to withdraw his country from the World Organization del Comercio (WTO)

" I am not talking about a withdrawal ", he said since the Air Force One presidential plane when it was questioned about news reports. Remove United States from the organization.

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Trump, who qualified at the WTO as a " Disaster violated the rules of international trade by striking key allies with pungent tariffs and taxing Chinese products in the name of national security.

Axios news site quoted sources that and they assured that Trump has repeatedly told senior officials that he wants to leave the body of the world, which Washington has helped to design and which often looks into favor of the United States when the government presents cases. 19659002] But Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin argued that it would be " an exaggeration " to say that Trump plans to abandon WTO .

I will not use our "Monsignor Mnuchin told Fox Business

The President has been clear to us and others that he has concerns about the WTO. He believes that there are aspects that are not right, "he added.

Although Trump complains that China and other countries have used the system of for their own benefit " we focus on free trade " and " break the barriers ", said Mnuchin

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