Trump did not feel cheated by the Saudis in the Khashoggi case


President of the United States, Donald Trump, confessed today that he did not feel deceived by the authorities of Saudi Arabia in the case of journalist Jamal Khashoggikilled at Istanbul.

"They did not cheat me, maybe they were wrong," Trump said in response to the press question. "We have to see how things are going," he added, adding that the United States should still evaluate several facts.

Khashoggi, a Riyadh critic, was last seen on October 2 when he entered the Saudi consulate in Istanbul to collect a series of documents for his marriage to his Turkish girlfriend. The Turkish prosecutor said today that shortly after entering the consulate, he was strangled and his body was dismembered and "eliminated".

Riyadh admitted that the 59-year-old journalist was killed in his consulate just two weeks after Khashoggi's disappearance and strong international pressure. In Saudi Arabia, 18 suspects have been arrested.

Several clues suggest that relatives of Saudi Crown Prince Mohamed bin Salman participated in the murder of the journalist, who lived in the United States, where he wrote a column for "The Washington Post". Saudi Arabia vehemently denies the prince's participation in the case.

Trump did some detours on the case and avoided breaking off relations with Saudi Arabia. The president maintains close relations with the country and sees him as an important partner in the region and considers him a good customer of the US arms industry.

Khashoggi was strangled at the consulate of Saudi Arabia, according to the Turkish prosecutor's office

With DPA information.


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