"Trump knew about meeting a Russian lawyer


Mexico City – US President Donald Trump was aware of his 2016 campaign team meeting with a Russian lawyer to obtain harmful information about Hillary Clinton, according to CNN sources. and NBC

This, according to media reports, is provided by his personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, who would be willing to testify before the special prosecutor's office to investigate whether there was collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians .

meeting at the Trump Tower in New York, in June 2016, attended the Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya; Trump's eldest son, Donald Trump Jr .; Trump's counselor and son-in-law, Jared Kuschner, and Trump's campaign director at the time, Paul Manafort.

Trump, his son and his defense denied that the then and now-president candidate was informed of this meeting. York Times unearthed the meeting a year later

"There was nothing to say, it was a total loss of 20 minutes, which was a shame," said Trump Jr. of the meeting in an interview. with Fox News.

This morning, the President again denied the reports

"That Fake News does not make me waste my time … NO, I did not know about the meeting with my son, Don Jr." , writes Trump on Twitter

"It seems to me that someone is trying to invent stories to come out of an unrelated problem (Taxis, maybe?)," did it? he added, referring to the legal problems his lawyer is facing., Cohen, for a taxi company in New York.

Former defender of Trump, I'll even He said that he would be killed by him, Cohen hinted earlier this month that he would collaborate with Mueller to make sure he owes loyalty to his family and country and not to the president.

Soon after learning that Cohen had in his possession recordings of conversations with Trump that he had done in secret, and this week there was one in which all two were talking about a payment to an old Playboy model to silence an alleged idyll.

This recording and others were seized by the FBI. that he did last April at Cohen's offices, that he is investigating for his participation in various payments to so-called women's silence during the 2016 White House campaign.

The Meeting with the Russian lawyer in Trump Tower in New York became one of the key elements of the investigation into the Russian conspiracy, so Trump Jr. had to appear before congressional committees investigate the alleged links between the Kremlin and the

In addition, this morning, Trump reacted by reports that the special prosecutor of the Russian conspiracy is also investigating his tweets against the Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, and the former director FBI, James Comey, to look for evidence of obstruction of justice.

"The only collusion that there was with Russia was with the Democrats, so now they want to see my Tuits (with 53 million people) .The witch hunt continues! How stupid it is and unfair to our country, "he wrote on Twitter

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