Trump officials scream aloud: will there be resignations?


(CNN) – An animated dispute in the West Wing between Chief of Staff John Kelly and National Security Advisor John Bolton about a recent wave at the borders resulted in an outrageous match Thursday, told CNN two sources close to the discussion.

The exchange revealed a bitter disagreement between two of Donald Trump's key aides for weeks.

Trump, exasperated by the increase in the number of migrants and threatening to close the southern border on Twitter that morning, sided with Bolton during the discussion. Bolton prefers a tougher approach to the issue and criticized National Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen during the discussion, a source said. Nielsen was a Kelly advisor when she ran the Department of Homeland Security. Bolton said Nielsen had to start doing his job, which outraged Kelly.

The president, who according to sources was present at the beginning of the match, then denied the knowledge.

"I have not heard of that, no," Trump told the press before boarding the Air Force One plane to travel to Montana Thursday afterwards. midday.

White House press secretary, Sarah Sanders, did not deny the incident and instead blamed the Democrats in a statement Thursday night and insisted that her colleagues "do not get mad at me." One for the other ".

"While we are passionate about solving the problem of illegal immigration, we are not angry at each other, but we are furious that the congressional Democrats are not helping us to to cope with this growing crisis, "he said.

"They should be ashamed to move forward with an open border agenda and only do so for strictly political reasons.While we have the worst laws in the world and we do not have the ## 148 ## "Democrats help us, our administration is doing a great job in the border."

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