Trump says Saudi Arabia will produce more oil


President Donald Trump said Saturday that he received assurance from King Salman of Saudi Arabia that the kingdom will increase oil production "may -being up to two million barrels "in response to the turmoil of Iran and Venezuela. Saudi Arabia confirmed that there was a call, but did not mention the production goal.

Trump wrote on Twitter that he had asked the king in a phone call to increase oil production "to make up the difference … prices so high! He accepted. "

A little more than an hour later, the official Saudi Press agency acknowledged that there was a call but gave little details.

"During the appeal, both leaders stressed the need to make efforts to maintain stability in the oil markets and the growth of the global economy," the statement said.

It is understood that the producing countries petroleum should "compensate for possible shortages of supply", he added [19]. 459007]

Oil prices have risen as the Trump government puts pressure on the allies. from the United States to avoid Iranian oil purchases. The price of a barrel has also increased with the turmoil in Venezuela, as well as the fight in Libya for control of the country's oil infrastructure.

Last week, members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, led by ] Saudi Arabia agreed to pump a million barrels of crude oil from more per day, which should contribute to the recent rise in energy prices around the world.

Comments from Trump [19659015] were made on Saturday when the financial markets closed. Brent crude was at $ 79.42 a barrel.


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