Trump says (without Putin) that he still accepts the conclusion that Russia intervened in the elections


US President Donald Trump on Tuesday accepted the version of US intelligence agencies that Russia had intervened in the presidential election of 2016, a day later, in front of his counterpart ] Vladimir Putin claimed that the Russians had no motive for such an act.

However, Trump added that "it could have been anyone else's."

The US President was criticized by Democrats and Republicans for his statements at Putin's meeting in Helsinki on Monday, in which he questioned the outcome of the investigation into the interference of Russia in the elections of 2016. 19659004] Trump said that he was not clear in his statements at the meeting with President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki.

Monday he said: "My people came to me and also to other people and they told me that they thought it was Russia," said Trump Monday at the meeting. "President Putin told me that it was not Russia and I will only say that I see no reason to do it, I trust both sides."

However, on Tuesday, he retracted and explained that he saw no reason to believe that Russia would not intervene in the elections.

Trump stated that he had just reviewed the transcripts and a video of the answer that he gave at the meeting, for which he deemed your statement necessary

"I have said many times, I accept the conclusion of our intelligence groups that the Russian intervention in the 2016 elections has existed, it could have been other people, a lot of people there. "

The US president stressed that the meeting with Putin was "his most successful meeting" during his trip to Europe, which included stops in Britain and Belgium.

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