Trump sows discord during the tour in Europe



Encouraged by his victory at the NATO summit, US President Donald Trump deposed yesterday against British Prime Minister Theresa May on the grounds that his government's Brexit plan did not include a US-led president. is not what the British voted and that it can "kill" the possibility of a trade deal with Washington.

Before leaving Brussels, where a two-day summit of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was held, Trump celebrated the "tremendous progress" of his allies to increase its military spending, after forcing an emergency meeting to draw attention to the bad students, especially Germany.

The result seems to satisfy him. "They agreed to pay more and pay faster," Trump said at a press conference. The day before demanded that member countries contribute 4% of their GDP to NATO.

But countries barely discussed to fulfill their commitment to contribute 2% of their GDP. France, Spain and Germany pledged to achieve this goal, but in the French case until 2025.

CRITICIZING THE PLAN OF BREXIT [19659003] Also yesterday, before meeting Theresa May, the US President snubbed her hostess by criticizing her plan for Brexit.

I do not know if they voted for this, "said Trump." People voted to separate (from the European Union), so I guess that's what's wrong. they'll do, but maybe they'll take a different path. "

And in an interview for The Sun ] Trump added that the plan could" possibly kill "the possibility of a free trade agreement with the United States.

If they approve an agreement like this, we will deal with the European Union rather than with the United Kingdom. Uni. "

At a gala dinner, May had already asked Trump for a bilateral agreement after Brexit.

More than a million Americans work for British companies. Now that we are preparing to leave the European Union, we have an unprecedented opportunity to do more, "said May.

Trump and May will offer a conference this press today and then the President will be received by Queen Elizabeth II. On Sunday, Trump will travel to Helsinki to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday.

They present a plan of divorce

The British Prime Minister, Theresa May, yesterday published its expected "white paper" of the Brexit on the future relations with the European Union (EU) which cost two resignations of eurosceptic ministers. The UK is still considering abandoning the single European market and the customs union and charting its own path for its important services sector, hoping to conclude its own free trade agreements. with third countries and to control the arrival of European immigrants. [19659003] London aims to end European freedom of movement, even though it would be willing to welcome qualified students and immigrants.

She also wants to escape the European judicial system. Disputes will be settled in the UK courts if they occur in the country and in the European courts if they occur on the outside.

For the financial sector, the plan provides for "a more flexible association" with the EU rather than the government's original proposal. of "mutual recognition" of British and European rules after bloc's departure in March

For Gibraltar, in the southern Iberian Peninsula, further negotiations will be needed. Brussels has given the right to veto Spain on the final agreement if it does not satisfy it at this point.


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