Trump unleashes himself at the OPEC, accuses him of manipulating the oil market


Washington, United States. –

US President Donald Trump accused the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) of manipulating oil markets and warned that he would stop while saying that states United States would punish companies Europeans do business with Iran

When asked in a Fox News program if anyone manipulates the oil markets, Trump says, "There is no way around it. OPEC (that's the case) and it's better to stop because we protect these countries, "

Trump was also consulted on the information program aired on Sunday when he was punishing companies Europeans if they were doing business with Iran and said, "Yes, of course. to do, absolutely. "

We recommend: OPEC agrees to increase its oil production

On Saturday, the US president claimed by his Twitter account that King Salman of Saudi Arabia had accepted his request for Increase in oil production "up to 2 million barrels" to offset the pumping of Iran and Venezuela

] King Salman confirmed the words of Trump and stated that it is to compensate for "any potential supply deficit." [19659009] Iran urged members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) on Sunday to "refrain from unilateral action" to increase oil production after confirmation of Saudi Arabia. In a letter, the Iranian Minister of Petroleum, Biyan Zangané, urged the current president of OPEC, Emirati Suhail al Mazruei, to remind the members of the organization that they must adhere to last month's agreement and not accept requests for This could interest you: How Saudi Arabia triggered the sharp decline in oil prices

The OPEC and its allies have decided on June 22 to increase their crude output by one million barrels per day (mbj) to contain prices that are at their highest level since 2014.

"Any increase in production by a member country beyond the commitments stipulated in the decisions of the OPEC would constitute a violation Zanganee wrote in the letter, published by the official agency IRNA

The Iranian minister denounced the fact that the decisions unilaterals of some OPEC members "weaken" the group. export "and that any increase in production" would lead the United States to act against Iran. "

A day earlier, the governor of Iran to the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), Hosein Kazempur Ardebili, He claimed that Saudi Arabia does not have any of it. Had not the ability to increase its oil production by two million barrels a day, the Iranian official, quoted by the official IRNA agency, said that an increase in these characteristics would mean the withdrawal. of Saudi Arabia of OPEC

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The United States withdrew last May from the nuclear agreement with Iran in 2015 and once again imposed sanctions on Tehran, including the energy sector, the main source of revenue for the Persian country.In the face of this situation, the first vice president from Iran, Eshaq Yahanguiri, today presented a plan to continue selling Iranian oil to the United States. 9, alien through the national stock exchange to counter US sanctions.

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