Trump urges NATO to spend 4% of its GDP on defense


US President Donald Trump proposed on the first day of the NATO Leaders Summit that member countries increase military spending by up to 4% of their respective GDP, compared with 2% in the United States. 2014 Welsh summit.

"In the President's comments today at the NATO summit, he suggested that countries respect their commitment to allocate 2% of their GDP to defense, but also to increase it by 4% "White House spokesman, Sarah Huckabee Sanders

Donald Trump on the first day of the NATO Leaders' Summit (Reuters) [19659004] Donald Trump on the first day of the NATO Leaders Summit (Reuters)

He added that Trump had already made this proposal at the NATO summit last year. The Heads of State and Government of the Alliance pledged at their meeting in Wales in 2014 to increase military investment by up to 2% of their gross domestic product in a decade, what became the main requirement of the American president to the members of the Alliance

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The President of the United States Donald Trump (Reuters)

President of the United States, Donald Trump (Reuters)

However, this year only eight of the 29 allies will achieve this goal and it is expected that D & # 39; here 2024, this figure reaches 15.


NATO today launched a new mission to training and counseling in Iraq to train the army instructors and security forces, in c complement of the work of the international coalition fighting the terrorist group t Islamic State (IS), led by the United States.

"Prevention is better than intervention. To prevent Daesh from acting, the training must be strengthened, "said Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg at a press conference at the end of the first day of the summit. NATO which is being held today and tomorrow in Brussels It is a training mission, not combat, focused on the training of "trainers who can train Iraqi troops" and "build forces for that Daesh (Arabic acronym for EI) can never be reconstituted, "said the Norwegian politician.

The mission, which the allies have been preparing for months, has received its last green light from the leaders, who have The document states that the mission aims to "support the Iraqi government with additional support in its efforts to stabilize the country and fight against terrorism in all its forms and manifestations".

] Australia Finland and Sweden are committed to being "operational partners" in this mission, which will be led by Canada.

The Prime Minister of the country, Justin Trudeau, volunteered to assume command of this mission for one year, to which he will contribute, too, with 250 soldiers

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With the information of EFE


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