Trump warns May about his "Brexit" plan


LONDON, United Kingdom (AFP) –

British Prime Minister Theresa May's plan for Brexit may "possibly kill" the possibility of a free trade agreement Exchange with the United States, President Donald Trump said in an interview with the newspaper The Sun for its Friday edition.

The British government on Thursday released details of its plan on future relations between the United Kingdom and the United Kingdom. European Union (EU) after Brexit scheduled for March 2019.

The project provides for the establishment of a new "Free Trade Area for Goods" aiming to maintain a "friction free" trade with the 27 EU Member States

Read: Theresa May publishes the controversial "White Paper" with her plan for "brexit"

This would, thanks to a "simplified customs agreement", "to avoid border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Go" If they approve an agreement like this, we will deal with the European Union instead of the United Kingdom, and this can probably kill the deal, "said the US president during a four-day visit to Britain.

"If they do that, the trade deal with the United States will probably not be concluded," Trump warned when interviewing the tabloid, Britain's best-selling newspaper, noting that he would have addressed the exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union.

"I would have done it in a very different way, actually I told Theresa May how to do it, but she was not in agreement, she did not listen, I wanted to follow another path. "

It's probably the opposite, and it's okay, I should negotiate the best way I know, but what's going on is very bad.

Lee: May seeks to reaffirm her authority in the UK after giving up brexit

Her remarks come shortly after the UK rolled out the red carpet to welcome Trump on his first day of official visit, hoping to reach a free trade agreement with the United States "closest ally, but also the most beloved friend", according to Theresa May.

This is a setback for the head of the British executive, who is trying to establish his authority within his conservative party, divided on the Brexit .

In a few infrequent comments on British politics, Trump also said that former Foreign Minister Boris Johnson, who resigned from his post this week because of Brexit's plan, could be "a big prime minister." "

And he also opined that the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, who has authorized a ballooning Trump ballooning to fly over the British parliament during protests on Friday, is doing a "horrible job" in the fight against crime.

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