Trump's adviser says that Putin is "hard to believe" about Russian interference


Washington.- John Bolton, the national security adviser to US President Donald Trump, said today that it is "hard to believe " that the Russian president, Vladimir Putin I did not know anything about the Russian interference in the US presidential election. in 2016.

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"Hard to believe, one of the goals of this summit is that the president ( Trump ) can look into the eyes of President Putin and ask him questions about it, "said Bolton in statements on the program" This Week "of the American network ABC

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Bolton made these remarks one day before Trump and Putin meet at their first bilateral summit, scheduled for Monday in Helsinki.

The adviser explained that a few weeks ago, while he was preparing this meeting between the two leaders, he spoke about Russian interference with Putin, who "clarified that the Russian state was not involved. "

However, Bolton considered "must see what he says" Putin after a US federal grand jury. On Friday, he accused 12 Russian intelligence agents of having hacked Hillary Clinton's campaign in the 2016 elections.

Asked if this judicial decision had come at a bad time for Trump, a few days before meeting with the Russian leader, Bolton said that this decision "strengthens his negotiating hand and shows that US justice is aware of Russian efforts to interfere with the election."

I think that now the President (Trump) can put this on the table and say:

In another interview broadcast today, in this case on the American CBS network, Trump said that he had "low expectations" before the bilateral summit with Putin.

I leave with low expectations. I do not go with high expectations, said Trump, who did not want to reveal the goals of his meeting with his Russian counterpart.

It is expected that during their first bilateral meeting, the two leaders will talk about Syria, from Ukraine, alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 US elections, a topic on which Trump was skeptical and which motivated the United States a federal inquiry into the links between their environment and Moscow. EFE

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