Turkey promises to apply chemical castration accused of abuse


Istanbul.- Deputy Prime Minister of Turkey Bekir Bozdag, announced today that the Government intends to implement chemical castration for Persons Convicted of Sexual Crime ] "In this new legislature we will fully implement the measure of chemical castration, we will take decisive action ," said the politician during a meeting. Press intervention in the city of Yozgat, according to Turkish Agency Anadolu.

Theme. Photo: pxhere.

Bozdag made this statement after condemning the murder of Eylül Yaglikara, an eight-year-old girl who was found dead yesterday, with signs of sexual assault after a search that kept Turkey suspended for eight days

It is a heinous crime. As a government, we have taken serious steps to prevent this type of crime, and in the new legislature we will take steps to revise the sanctions and increase them further, "said Bozdag. interfered "said the politician, referring to the early elections that Turkey took place on June 24.

Theme: Photo: pxhere.

Although the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), which has been in power since 2002, has lost an absolute majority, it will be able to continue legislating through its coalition with the right-wing Nationalist Movement for Action. (MHP).

Turkish criminal law provides for 15 prison sentences for sexual abuse of minors with consequences on their health and life imprisonment if the victim dies.

In this note:

  • Punishment
  • Chemical Castration
  • Sexual Abuse
  • Sexual Offenses

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