Turmeric medicine is performed in Chile which prevents the reappearance of metastases and cancer


Researchers at the Advanced Center for Chronic Diseases (Chile), conducted experiments based on curcumin in which its formula completely inhibited the Recurrence and metastasis of tumors in animal models of cancer

Turmeric is a spice widely used for over four thousand years in the gastronomy and also in medicine for treatment and relief of various diseases.

As reported by University of Chile Scientists of the Advanced Center for Chronic Diseases (ACCdiS) and academics of this institution, headed by Dr. Andrew Quest, of the Faculty of Medicine, and by the doctor Felipe Oyarzún of the Faculty of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, worked in a nanoemulsion based on curcumin to promote its anticancer effect .

Turmeric, which is used to flavor food and is an essential component of curry also has anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties ; however are not fully exploited by the instability and insolubility in the water of any of the active ingredients of turmeric: l to curcumin . This limits this molecule to biological effect when it is ingested as a condiment by the oral route.

According to Professor Oyarzún, developed "a very small medicine, where curcumin is dissolved and protected and that it can be administered effectively by any means . "

This solution, says Andrew Quest," was generated by emulsifying curcumin and encapsulating into nanostructures in the core of which curcumin is dissolved and protected. "

Even, adds the researcher, " this formula can be turned into powder and after resuspension water, re-administered . Then, from the point of view of storage it is also a very promising product because it can be preserved for a long time. "

For this study, the application of subcutaneous nanoemulsion since in the animal model [1 9459004] a very resistant tumor was generated, which was later removed surgically . The researchers applied a dose of the formulation and finally closed the wound.

In this work, they experienced a skin cancer whose primary tumor may reappear and proliferate in other parts of the body after being removed. This action ended with a single dose of the nanoemulsion of curcumin

This was done to prevent recurrence and metastasis in 100% treated animals, according to Oyarzún. . Of the untreated cases, 70% showed recurrence of tumor and metastasis.

Currently, the team is seeking financial support to conduct clinical studies that will continue evaluating the effects of this technology in different types of cancer

curcuma longa common name turmeric, is a herbaceous plant of the family of native zingiberáceas . from southwestern India. Turmeric is a herbaceous herb perennial reaching a height of up to one meter. Shape Very branched rhizomes Colored to Brown to orange Cylindrical and aromatic
* According to information from eldesconcierto.cl


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