Turning an Xbox 360 into an arcade stick for PS4


Although it seems difficult for Sony and Microsoft to collaborate soon on any project related to the world of consoles, this does not prevent fans from combining brands. As an example, we have a player who has turned an Xbox 360 into an arcade key for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3 and fully functional PC.

This incredible creation – or blasphemy, depending on the perspective you see – is the responsibility of the reddit user called Raspberry Chainsaw. As you can imagine, this device has nothing special, since only the interior elements of the console have been removed to later install the necessary hardware to turn it into a control. In short, the Xbox 360 is only used as a housing.

Now, it is striking that Raspberry Chainsaw is not satisfied with a functional command and has also tried to make it beautiful. That's why, with the mission that combined everything with the hardware of the drive, he painted gilded details on the console.

Before you get angry, it's important to know that the Xbox 360 that was used to create this arcade stick no longer works. This means that no console has been damaged. That's why we prefer to see this control as a great posthumous tribute to a soldier who has fallen after delivering hours of pleasure to his owner.

Here are the pictures of the Raspberry Chainsaw arcade stick:

Look at the Xbox 360 turned arcade

What do you think? Would you be willing to turn some of your dead consoles into something similar? Tell us in the comments.

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