TV Azteca publicity ventas crecen 7%


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The publicity of TV Azteca has been reduced to 7% in the last quarter of the year, at 3 thousand 351 thousand pesos, from 3 thousand to 140 thousand pesos in the previous year.

In a comunicado, the televisor informed that the total number of operas made 949 millones of pesos between julio and septiembre, was decreed an aumento of 4% frente to the 911 millones reported in 2017.

"Los contenidos superiores cautivaron a millones de personas, y llegaron de manera efectiva al mercado meta de numerosos anunciantes, lo that is translated in incrementos en ventas y EBITDA in the quarter", dijo Benjamín Salinas, director of the empresa.

"Ampliamos las propuestas of contenido of éxito, con fi nence in programas de entretenimiento in vivo", subrayó.

Respected to the ventas of contenido to other countries, TV Azteca registered 41 millones of pesos in the quarter quarter, that comparan favorably with the 25 millones of pesos that alcanzó in el mismo periodo del año anterior.

TV Azteca alcanzó a net worth of 408 millones of pesos in the quarter of a year compared to 307 millones of perdidas reported an anterior.

The borrowed to concoct that it would anticipatively amortize on the credit of 92 millones of dollars that vence in 2020 con American Tower Corporation acordó nuevos terminos para el uso de torres de transmisión de TV Azteca.

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