TV Azteca will analyze the World Cup


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TV Azteca is forced to review the football business and evaluate the viability of staying in it, said Benjamín Salinas, general manager of the TV station.

In his quarterly report, he pointed out that television content and attractiveness The design of their programming allowed them to be the public leaders in Mexico during the Russian World Cup in 2018.

"However, the costs associated with this event – and football in general – make it an activity sector each time less financially viable, since it affects profitability. Consolidated company. "

During the second quarter of 2018, TV Azteca's national advertising sales grew by 11% over the same period last year, 3,000,654 million pesos

Domestic production, programming and transportation costs totaled $ 2,000,998 million during the quarter, an increase of 70% at the annual rate.

Content sales to other countries totaled 71 million pesos in the quarter, compared to 94 million in the same quarter of 2017.

Operating cash flow or EBITDA fell by 76% to 299 million pesos in the second quarter, compared to a thousand 228 million a year earlier. TV Azteca recorded a net loss of 150 million pesos in the second quarter.

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