TV Azteca's advertising sales increase by 11%


During the second quarter of 2018, domestic sales of TV advertising Azteca increased by 11% adding three thousand 654 million pesos compared to the three thousand 291 million of pesos

"Derived from a successful content, which actually reached the target market many advertisers as well as sales related to the cover of Cup world in Russia "the company said in a statement

Benjamín Salinas general manager of TV Azteca mentioned that the content of the TV station and the attractive design their programming allowed them to be audience leaders in Mexico during the World Cup of Russian Soccer .

"However, the costs associated with this event – and football in general – hac in this, a line of affairs less and less financially sustainable [19659005] since it affects the consolidated profitability of the company "he added.

However, he stressed that they are obliged to review the activities of football holistically and evaluate the viability of staying there.

On the other hand, the operating flow or [EBITDA dropped by 76% when it declared 299 million pesos in the second quarter of the year, compared to the 228 million pesos reached in the same quarter of 2017.

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