All unverified accounts that change their name to "Elon Musk" will be blocked from now on . This is the measure that Twitter has adopted to protect its users against possible fraud attempts related to the use of cryptocurrencies.

To unlock the account, users will have to pass a CAPTCHA test and link a phone number to the account. Thus, Twitter can avoid the creation of SPAM accounts and scams such as those discovered in recent months.

The case of Elon Musk, the strongest

The particular measure applied to the name "Elon Musk" has a reason to be: the appearance of fake accounts which, together with the name of the founder of Tesla, invite other users to make transfers of Bitcoins publish false information that confuses even the media, etc.

Elon Musk is not the only case, although it is one of the most talked about. To counteract them, the American company acquires the start-up Smyte in June movement that reflects the management's concern for this type of harmful practices.

https: // hypertext .com / 2018/03 / twitter-timos-criptomonedas