Two cases of influenza are detected in British Columbia


Two people have been detected with seasonal flu so far this season, according to federal authorities. Baja California has not had any deaths around the disease.

This, according to data from the Federal Office of Epidemiology (DGE), in its weekly report of the seasonal influenza season 2018-2019 to week 44.

"Starting from epidemiological week 40, the" seasonal flu season 2018-2019 "began, between the 2018 seasons (weeks 21 to 39), there were 894 cases and 75 deaths due to the flu in the country, "he said.

He pointed out that during the seasonal flu season, the viral circulation of influenza and other respiratory viruses is more important.

The most vulnerable groups are those aged 1 to 9, followed by those aged 40 to 49 and over 60.

At week 44 of 2018, 267 positive influenza cases, 205 of AH1N1, 45 "B", 13 of influenza "A" and four of AH3N2 were confirmed. of "B" in the country.

Compared with the 2017 season, it is reported that there is a 6.3% decrease in cases of acute respiratory infections and a 24.8% decrease in pneumonia and bronchopneumonia cases.

The entities with the highest number of confirmed influenza cases during the 2018-2019 seasonal season are Veracruz, Guerrero, Chiapas, Tabasco and Oaxaca, which account for 60.3% of the total number of confirmed cases.

It should be remembered that the flu vaccine is available free of charge at all health centers. This vaccine must be applied before December to provide increased protection during winter acuity.

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