Two friends drown in the desperation of a crowd


  Two friends drown in the desperation of a crowd

A few hours later, the bodies of Vater and Guthrie were found by police divers. Photo: YouTube / Prada Ben Franklin


The tragedies and the accidents occur and are unfortunately on the agenda.

Recently it became known that in Buffalo two men drowned for his recklessness.

According to Buffalo News, Scott Vater ] a 46-year-old carpenter, saw a large trunk that floated and said it would be used to make furniture, so his friend, Mario Guthrie of 29 years, offered to go there. 19659005] Although there are several signs in the place that indicated that it was forbidden to throw oneself into the water he decided to ignore them and without hesitation jumped, without take into account that the current of the river was extremely strong passing through Buffalo

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In the # 39 recording captured by one of the witnesses, we observe how the man swims first back to the trunk but a few seconds later a current begins to plunge and sink into Despair

Upon seeing the situation, Vater threw himself into the water to save him but Guthrie's agitation eventually overwhelmed both before the impotence of the crowd

They went into a hot tub, so they could not leave. I heard people screaming and started running, but it was too late, I could not arrive on time, "said Jeff Rinaldo, local police.

For his part, one of the many witnesses said that seconds and sank like rocks . "

We could not do anything, my mother was shouting at me not to jump, because I was doing it almost , but they would have also sunk. "

A few hours later, the bodies were found by police divers.


Scott Vater's friends return to the place where their partner died to pay tribute to them.They said that I had a little girl, "said the user @ JennSchanz4

*** MJPR ***

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