Two months after Mac Miller's death, causes are revealed


After theMac Miller's expressive death for a supposed overdose according to the portal TMZ, this same portal reveals the causes that have cost the life to this rapper of 26 years.

According to the reports of the Los Angeles PoliceMac died of "mixed toxicity", especially fentanyl, cocaine and alcohol. The amount of substances ingested was not lethal. However, their combination, caused his death .

The same police report revealed that the rapper was found by his assistant in "prayer position", on his knees, his face resting on his legs. In the room, we found an empty alcohol bottle, prescription medicine, white powder residue and a small bag of white powder.

The singer ended up in May last his relationship with Ariana Grande, with whom he had a relationship September 2016. After their separation, Ariana said the rapper's outbuildings were partly because of his breakup.

"How absurd to minimize a woman's respect for herself and women's self-esteem saying that someone should stay in toxic relationship just because he wrote an album about them, which is certainly not the case. I am neither a nanny nor a mother and no woman should think that she should be her.
I worried for him and I argued for him to be sober. I've been praying for your balance for years (and I'll always do it, of course) but embarrassing / blaming women for the inability of a man to maintain this relationship … in the # Order is a more serious problem. Let's stop doing that, "said the singer at the constant attack of fans after the break.

Mac Miller was found dead at home San Fernando Valley, California. He was born on January 19, 1992 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He was the son of a photographer, named KAren and Mark Meyers, architect.

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