Tympanic rupture can lead to hearing loss


When the tympanum broke may cause fever, suppuration, pain, ringing in the ears and / or a stopping sensation in the ear Covered ear, this injury can cause hearing loss Laura Reyes Contreras, medical specialist attached to the Audiology Department of the Rehabilitation Unit of the General Hospital of Mexico, said: "Dr. Eduardo Liceaga is not at the hour.

He mentioned that tympanic perforation is due to an ear infection called otitis, which can be acute when it occurs suddenly, or chronic when it manifests itself repeated over a long period.

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He indicated that this injury may also be the consequence of an accidental accident, or the introduction of an object such that a pin, a cottonete or a ball-point pen in the ear

The tympanic rupture is a loud noise near the ear, excessive exposure to atmospheric pressure, such as flying or driving in the mountains, or constant exposure to water, swimming or diving.

One of the main functions of the tympanic membrane is to prevent the passage of dust and insects, because when it is broken, the middle ear is exposed to the environment and is vulnerable to infections, explained the specialist. 59002] See also: Alert to premature deafness in young people

He added that the eardrum has the ability to self-regenerate, when the rupture does not exceed 30% of the total membrane. If the damage is more important, it will be necessary to perform a surgical procedure called tympanoplasty.

When tympanic rupture is associated with acute infections such as rhinitis or rhinosinusitis, the treatment may be antibiotic

. if the damage to the membrane is repaired, there is a risk of hearing loss, as this will depend on the severity of the infection and the duration of the perforation . To the population who, before any symptoms, avoids providing ear drops or home remedies and going to the specialist, since treating themselves in a timely manner is a way to prevent hearing loss.

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