Typhoon Jongdari hits land in Japan and leaves 150,000 homes without electricity


Typhoon Jongdari hit western Japan on Sunday, disrupting electricity supplies in more than 150,000 homes and injuring at least 23 people in eight prefectures in Japan, local authorities reported

. from Shizuoka, Aichi, Mie and Gifu more than 150,000 homes were without power due to the powerful tropical storm Jongdari.

The Chubu Electricity Company reported that 88 thousand homes in Mie were without light, 47 thousand in Aichi, about 17 thousand in Shizuoka and about 50 in Gifu

The powerful typhoon "Lan". approach Japan on the day of the plenary elections

the NHK television channel, there were at least 23 wounded by powerful gusts of wind going up to 35 meters per second or broken windows.

In Aichi Prefecture, a powerful gust of wind caused a sexagenarian A motorcycle crashed on a telephone pole

In Atami City, Shizuoka Prefecture three adults and two children were slightly injured when the window of a hotel was broken. The break is believed to have been caused by the high waves generated by Typhoon Jongdari.

Typhoon Jongdari, with winds of up to 180 km / h, landed in Ise, Mie prefecture, according to the country's meteorological agency.

He weakened after touching down and was degraded to a tropical storm, according to the agency, but many provinces remained alert.

Meteorologists say that the tropical storm is following an unusual route and could bring heavy rain and it is winding up to regions that are not very affected by this type of phenomenon.

This situation causes new problems to the people of western Japan. The region suffered floods and landslides this month with 219 dead and 11 missing.

"We have been on an emergency alert all the time" early July, said Koji Kunitomi, head of crisis management at The West Prefect of Okayama, referring to deadly rains of the beginning of the month

With the typhoon to the west, the areas affected by the disaster remained in a state of alert while the weather agency warned against new floods and landslides, as well as storms and high waves.

Typhoon Jongdari slows down as he continues his movement to the west, moving at a speed of 35 kilometers at the hour.

At noon, he was close to the city of Hiroshima, and winds of up to 108 kilometers to the hour, said the Japan Meteorological Agency.

Transportation was also affected, and some flights of Japan Airlines and All Nippon Airways linking Tokyo to western Japan were canceled

West Japan Railway Co. and private rail operators said that some of their rail services had been delayed or suspended.

Radar data showed that there was rainfall of more than 120 millimeters per hour at Sakurai, Nara Prefecture, in western Japan

The typhoon was to cross the western parts of the country. country and would probably arrive in Kyushu in

Typhoons tend to approach the southwestern Japanese archipelago, and many follow a course from south-west to north-east, partly because Western jet stream and strong pressure on the Pacific.

They recommend to evacuate 640 000 Japanese after the arrival of Typhoon Talim

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