Uber is the subject of an investigation for Sex Discrimination by the Commission for Equal Opportunities in the United States ( EEOC ]). This was confirmed by sources at Engadget and The Wall Street Journal .

As part of the investigation, which would have started since August 2017, was interviewing employees and those who are no longer part of society. In addition, the investigators were requested files on various issues, including pay differences and hiring practices .

When interrogated by such means as Engadget and BBC on such a search, Uber replied which has continually improved over the last 18 months:

We are continually improving as a business and have made many changes proactively over the past 18 months, including the establishment of a new pay structure and 39 Market-based equity, reforming our performance appraisal process, publishing Diversity and Inclusion reports and expanding diversity and leadership training to thousands of employees around the world. The history of discrimination at Uber

It all started with ex-engineer Susan Fowler who in February 2017 put the picture constant such as sexual harassment and sexism in the company of private transport. As a result, former CEO Travis Kalanick eventually left his post in technology, being replaced by Dara Khosrowshahi.

Months later, in October of last year, software engineers Ingrid Avendano, Roxana del Toro López and Ana Medina sued Uber for harassment Sexual discrimination and racial discrimination since all three are of Latin origin.

For its part, ] technology attributed the wage difference to its own algorithm . In this way, he blamed women for their own destiny. A study of Stanford University published in February of this year confirmed the Uber argument, women earn 7% less because they drive less quickly, work less hours and in times of low demand and avoid night hours such as trips to "dangerous" areas.

The most recent case was Liane Hornsey now the former head of Human Resources left the company last week for allegedly downplay e Ignore numerous complaints about racial discrimination . The manager resigned after a company employee sent an anonymous email to the complaints accounts, which basically stated that he had repeatedly avoided them.

So for more internal changes than Khosrowshahi tried to enforce, it seems that the company's past could not be buried . However, it should be noted that the ongoing investigation is not a guarantee that it will result in a lawsuit against the technological procedure. We will have to wait for the time to say it.