Ubisoft: Skull & Bones and Black Flag are very different


When Skull & Bones was introduced in the E3 2017, the criticism was immediate because the new IP looked like another Ubisoft game: Assassin's Creed IV : Black Flag . Although it's been over a year, people continue to think the same thing, which is why the studio recently spoke to highlight the differences between these titles.

Bill Money, director of the game, acknowledged that Skull & Bones was born thanks to Black Flag since his studio had been working on the naval mechanics of the franchise since Assassin & Creed III . The new proposal came when they started experimenting with their own work.

" Black Flag was definitely a starting point, in our study, we basically did the naval combat of Black Flag It started with ACIII and then we worked on the naval mechanics of Black Flag "Money commented in an interview with Segmentnext . "And from there, our first idea [for Skull & Bones was" take Black Flag and put 2 players in our world and see what happens. "However, Money pointed out that Black Flag and Skull & Bones have very marked differences, although they are games born practically from the same idea.

" Black Flag is the base and since then we have worked on it and now it's a completely different game, "says Money." It's a ship and we're behind the rudder of this ship, so there are similarities, but the rest of the systems is something new and unique. "At this point, only Black Flag remains .] In E3 2018 we have could see a new trailer for Skull & Bones however, until now we still do not know a specific release date, the only thing revealed by Ubisoft is that the pirate title will come 2019

Skull & Bones will debut on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC. find more details on this link

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